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Googleが全米規模の無線LANサービスを構築する話がBusiness 2.0により公に。

Business 2.0 :: Magazine Article :: What's Next :: Free Wi-Fi? Get Ready for GoogleNet.

SiliconBeat: GoogleNet -- globally free WiFi

What if Google (GOOG) wanted to give Wi-Fi access to everyone in America? And what if it had technology capable of targeting advertising to a user’s precise location? The gatekeeper of the world’s information could become one of the globe’s biggest Internet providers and one of its most powerful ad sellers, basically supplanting telecoms in one fell swoop. Sounds crazy, but how might Google go about it?


First it would build a national broadband network -- let's call it the GoogleNet -- massive enough to rival even the country's biggest Internet service providers. Business 2.0 has learned from telecom insiders that Google is already building such a network, though ostensibly for many reasons...

最初に全国規模のブロードバンドネットワークを構築し、これをGoogleNetと呼んでみるが、そのネットワークは国内最大のISPである競合にとって十分に巨大なものとなる。Business 2.0は通信事業者の関係者から、Googleがすでにそのようなネットワークを構築中であることを入手している。。。