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Google Newsにも権威付けをする動き=TrustRank

GOOGLE has plans that will dramatically improve the results of internet news searches, by ranking them according to quality rather than simply by their date and relevance to search terms.
This means that articles carrying more authority, say from CNN or the BBC, can be ousted from the first page of results, simply because they are not as recent or as relevant to the keyword entered in the search line.
New Scientist Google searches for quality not quantity - Technology

現在Google Newsでは、「検索ヒット順」「日付順」の二種類のソート方法が存在するが、ここでもGoogleの通常の検索で用いられるPageRankのような「リンクの権威付け」「リンクの重み付け」を行うことことで適切なニュースを検索できるようにする計画がある、とNew Scientistが伝えています。


SiliconBeat: Google News about to change, for the better?

We're not clear on what Google's real intentions are with this. But one problem with the apparent scheme is that a Jayson Blair type reporter would achieve one of the highest number of points on Google's trust ranking, while a much more accurate reporter from a lesser-known publication could be dismissed with fewer points. Not good. It raises the question: What really IS trust? Too bad users can't decide from themselves, by having an option to customize their own trust ranking of sources at Google News. It would be a lot of work.

Jayson BlairのようなタイプのレポーターがGoogleのtrust rankingではトップを取る可能性が高く、一方でより正確なレポーターだけどあまり知られていないからポイントが低いから載らない。

#ちなみにJayson Blairは、New York Timesの元記者で記事盗用・捏造問題を引き起こした人物*1

  • 信頼とは何か


  • Googleの示す「権威」と一般人の「権威」の違い。それらに基づく「信頼」の違い

